Say no to “peer pressure”

Peer pressure. It’s something we were warned about by teachers and parents. From a young age we were taught to make good choices and not to be influenced by the “naughty kids” we hung around with.Well now you’re an adult peer pressure isn’t somethin…

Here’s How:

Peer pressure. It’s something we were warned about by teachers and parents. From a young age we were taught to make good choices and not to be influenced by the “naughty kids” we hung around with.

Well now you’re an adult peer pressure isn’t something to worry about right?


How many times have you gone out with colleagues or even friends and family and heard “Come on, one little drink isn’t going to hurt”? Some people can be persistent and border on being big bullies, all in the name of alcohol. It can be really demotivating.

Whatever your reasons are for cutting down or giving up alcohol completely, you don’t need to give in to peer pressure.


Now that it’s February and the Dry January excuse isn’t cutting it any more, we’ve gathered our top 7 tips for saying no if you’re wanting an evening sans alcohol.

  1. Stick to your guns - Be consistent in your response, they will give up sooner or later.

  2. Be honest - Making a positive lifestyle change is nothing to be ashamed of. Who knows, you may even inspire someone else to do the same.

  3. Straight up lie - If honesty isn’t working for you, say you’re on antibiotics.

  4. Order a coke or a Mocktail - Who’s really going to find out it’s not the “real thing”?

  5. Volunteer to be the designated driver

  6. Say you’re on a diet and watching the calories - Beer bellies are a real thing!

  7. Have an exit strategy - Know when it’s your cue to leave.


If all else fails, send them to our facts about alcohol page, they may just decide to make a change themselves! Remember, you have made a positive life style change to benefit you and your body. We think you’re pretty cool, even if the people around you don’t understand.

francesca sinclair