Our Drink Coaches are all qualified alcohol treatment specialists and have years of experience. They will work with you to explore your relationship with alcohol, help you set your desired goals and then support you to achieve them.

A number of local authorities offer free online coaching sessions to residents. Find out if you’re eligible for free sessions.


Soih has a social education degree and obtained the knowledge to successfully support people with alcohol and substance misuse addictions. Soih has delivered alcohol awareness groups. She can also deliver coaching sessions in Spanish.

I received lots of really helpful advice and useful feedback about past behaviour and better future choices.
— Coaching Client

Kathryn has specialised in alcohol treatment for many years supporting people to change their drinking. She has lived experience of alcohol recovery.

Kathryn was great, made me feel really relaxed and was very easy to talk to.
— Coaching Client

Michele holds a MSc in Health Promotion with 23 years in the NHS, draws on her lived experience of alcohol recovery, and uses mindfulness techniques to improve health and wellbeing.

Michele’s practical advice, and sensible goal setting gives me confidence. I made the right decision to book an online appointment. It was super easy to book. Super convenient to attend and a step in the right direction. Thank you.
— Coaching Client

Lucy holds the Federation of Drug & Alcohol Professional’s (FDAP) National Counsellor Accreditation Certificate (NCAC) and is trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Lucy made me feel at ease, very comfortable and understood and listened which was really important for me on the first session.
— Coaching Client


Rob has 10 years of professional experience in the alcohol health, prevention, and education sectors. Rob is a specialist in various therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), person-centred counselling, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), as well as grief and trauma specialist counselling linked to alcohol. 

Rob is absolutely terrific - he really inspires me every time we speak.
— Coaching Client

Derek has worked in the alcohol field for over 15 years and specialises in supporting binge drinkers.

I was quite nervous and shy but was soon put at ease by Derek and found the session very helpful.
I am looking forward to my next session.
— Coaching Client

Magda has psychology and psychotherapy background and has extensive experience working in various alcohol treatment roles. Magda can also deliver sessions in Polish.

I was very impressed with Magda’s empathy, and understanding of my situation. I’d very much like to have a follow-up meeting with her again.
— Coaching Client

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