What is the Alcohol Test?
Alcohol Test – Assess Your Drinking Habits Today
The Alcohol Test is a free, quick and confidential way to find out how risky your drinking is. In 12 easy steps you can find out if you are a low, increasing, high risk or dependent drinker. Depending on your score, you could be signposted to additional support in your local area if needed. The Alcohol Test is ideal for anyone who is worried about their drinking, or curious to see if they could make better choices for their health. No strings attached.
The test is a digital version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) developed by the World Health Organisation. It is the best alcohol screening tool available. You cannot be identified by the answers you provide and we do not collect or store personally identifiable information.
By answering the 10 quick questions in the test you will receive feedback about your drinking and how risky it may be. Your results will depend on your overall score and takes into account all the answers you provide.
There is information and advice at the end of the test as well as some suggested follow up actions. If you live in an area funded by the Local Authority [i.e. an area listed in the drop down list] the local support information will reflect the services available in your area.
The test is free, quick (it only takes 2 minutes!) and confidential. We do not collect any personally identifiable information.