How many units and calories are in a glass of wine?
Check the strength! Find out more about units in a glass of wine.
Wine is available in a range of strengths - make sure you know what you’re really drinking by checking the ABV% on the label.
To figure out just how many units are in your glass of wine, you first need to know the Alcohol By Volume (ABV), this will be printed on the bottles’ label, and if you’re out and about, the ABV% is generally included on the drinks menu.
Watch out for higher ABV% wines - some red and dessert wine particularly can be as high as 17% ABV - fortified wine such as port and sherry is higher still, sitting at around 20%. There are also lots of wine varieties, such as Muscadet & Pinot Grigio, that are naturally lighter in alcohol - so keep your eyes peeled for them when you buy your next bottle.
You can work out how many units there are in any amount of wine by using the below formula:
(ABV x ml) ÷ 1000 = units
For example, to work out the number of units in a large, 250ml glass of 13% ABV wine:
13 (ABV) x 250 (ml) ÷ 1000 = 3.25 units
Wine by the glass unit guide
1x Small Glass (125ml) of 10% Wine = 1.2 Units
1x Small Glass (125ml) of 13% Wine = 1.5 Units
1x Medium Glass (175ml) of 10% Wine = 1.7 Units
1x Medium Glass (175ml) of 13% Wine = 2.3 Units
1x Large Glass (250ml) of 10% Wine = 2.5 Units
1x Large Glass (250ml) of 13% Wine = 3.25 Units
The recommended weekly alcohol limit in the UK for men and women is 14 units, which is the same as six medium (175ml) glasses of 13% ABV wine.
No carbs before Marbs… Find out more about calories in a glass of wine.
With around seven calories per gram, alcohol contains almost the same calories as pure fat - so drinking too many glasses of wine can lead to weight gain and start to affect how you look and feel.
On top of extra calories, when you drink alcohol you crave fatty, salty food and have less willpower to resist them! This is because alcohol lowers inhibitions and can lead to poor decision-making — especially when it comes to food choices.
A man needs around 2,500 calories a day to maintain his weight. For a woman, that figure is around 2,000 calories. These values can vary depending on age, metabolism and levels of physical activity, among other things.
Wine by the glass calorie guide
1x Small Glass (125ml) of 13% Wine = 113 calories. That’s the same as eating half a hamburger!
1x Medium Glass (175ml) of 13% Wine = 158 calories. That would take walking for 30 minutes to burn.
1x Large Glass (250ml) of 13% Wine = 226 calories. That’s the same as a whole hamburger - surprised?
What are the benefits of cutting down my wine intake?
Brighter, better looking skin
Alcohol opens your blood vessels, which can make your face and eyes look red. Reducing your intake will not only help with redness - it can also help in clearing up dandruff, eczema, and rosacea.Stronger immunity
Regular drinking can affect your immune system. Heavy drinkers tend to catch more infectious diseases, coughs and colds.Lower cancer risk
Alcohol consumption is linked to cancers of the head, neck, esophageal, liver, breast, colon and rectum. By drinking less, you are reducing your risk of developing one of these cancers.
Any more than 6 medium (175ml) glasses of 13% ABV wine in a week will put you over the low risk drinking guidelines.
What is a safe amount of wine to drink?
Understanding the low risk drinking guidelines in relation to wine.
Low risk drinking guidelines advise that both men and women should not regularly drink more than 14 units a week. BUT don’t ‘save up’ your 14 units, it’s best that they are spread out over the week so you don’t binge.
If you regularly drink over these guidelines, you are increasing your chances of developing long-term health conditions. You can find out how risky your drinking is by taking the Alcohol Test.
Any more than 6 medium (175ml) glasses of 13% ABV wine in a week will put you over the low risk drinking guidelines.