Alcohol and Units

Understanding Alcohol Units: What You Need to Know

A unit of alcohol is 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol and is equivalent to: a single measure of spirits; half a pint of average-strength (4%) lager; two-thirds of a small glass of average-strength (12%) wine.

There are no safe levels of alcohol consumption that’s why we talk about low, increased and higher risk levels.

There are no safe levels of alcohol consumption that’s why we talk about low, increased and higher risk levels.

Units and risk…

In the UK, men and women are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units per week. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you are advised to not drink alcohol at all. These are the guidelines from England’s Chief Medical Officer.

There are no safe levels of alcohol consumption that’s why we talk about low, increased and higher risk levels. The low risk guidelines are based on average risk. There are some people where the risk is greater due to other factors such as physical and mental health conditions, body weight, family history, and some genetic conditions affecting the liver.

Find out how many units are in your favourite drink here

Find out how many units are in your favourite drink here

Units found in a specific drink

You can find out how many units and calories are in your favourite drink by using our drinks calculator. Alternatively, we also have extra information about units and calories in specific drinks here.


One unit is equivalent to: a single measure of spirits; half a pint of 4% lager or a teeny glass of 12% wine (83ml).

Our DrinkCoach Tools
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Use our unit and calorie calculator to find out the number of units in your drink.