Alcohol & Families: Do not suffer in silence

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My name is Reece Venema and I’m a Family Worker at the Better Lives Family Service.

The Family Service offers non-judgmental and respectful support to families who have a child or children under 18 years of age where the parent is using drugs or alcohol and adults who are affected by the drug or alcohol problems of someone close to them.

We also offer support to help strengthen parent – child relationships, improve communication and enhance family life. We focus on protective parenting, reducing the risk from parental drug and/or alcohol use and increasing children and young people’s resilience.

Picture this:

  1. You wake up at 6am after a broken night of sleep.

  2. Your partner got to bed at 2am and is still out cold, snoring.

  3. You get up to tend to the kids in the morning, make breakfast, make sure they’re washed and have packed their bags, prep their lunches for school whilst trying to get ready for work yourself.

  4. The kids are finally off after a struggle and you’ve just got time to have a shower before you’re late to work

  5. The work day is hard as you’re tired and haven’t been able to settle your anxiety.

  6. You head home not knowing what your partner will be like. Are they drunk? Are they at home? Will they be pleasant or horrible?

  7. You get home to the house being messy. You spend an hour or so cleaning before you make dinner.

  8. Your partner brings the kids home and you question whether they’ve been drinking already.

  9. It’s now 8pm and you’ve been non-stop for 14 hours.

  10. Your partner is already 3 pints in and you’re unsure how they will behaviour tonight.

You go to bed anxious, worried, exhausted and nervous for the next day.

Reader - imagine the affect this would have on your mental health if this was your everyday.

This is one of the hundreds of stories we hear on a regular basis.

Yes, the context and circumstances differ, but all our family members feel anxiety and worry in some form. They can develop mental and physical complexities from the strain of the relationship due to alcohol.

Exhaustion is common, anxiety is regular and depression follows in some cases. Financially, alcohol often causes great difficulty for families, as people who misuse it will often prioritise their alcohol consumption over food for the family, or paying the bills and rent.

This causes confusion, anger and frustration for families who are already stretched thin.

Looking for support or know someone that would benefit? We can help…

The Better Lives Family Service allows family members to talk about their issues relating to their loved one’s substance misuse, whilst providing them with evidence informed interventions that will support their therapeutic counselling sessions. Whether it’s 1 to 1 support or group work, our families always feel supported and valued whilst having space to talk through any of their issues.

If you’re based in Camden or Islington and feel you could benefit from this support, please contact Better Lives to set up an appointment. If you’re not in Camden or Islington, visit