Supporting Someone with an Alcohol Dependency and Co-Existing Mental Health Issues

It’s getting ever closer to that time of year where a lot of us start thinking about what we want for Christmas. For many of us, the disruption and challenges of 2020 and Covid-19 have put this into perspective and our “letters to Santa” are more likely to include “time with my loved ones” at the top of the list rather than the latest kitchen gadget, slippers or bath bombs (still very much in my top 5, though, if you’re listening Mum…).

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Alcohol & Families: Do not suffer in silence

Picture this: You wake up at 6am after a broken night of sleep. Your partner got to bed at 2am and is still out cold, snoring. You get up to tend to the kids in the morning, make breakfast, make sure they’re washed and have packed their bags. The work day is hard as you’re tired and haven’t been able to settle your anxiety. You head home not knowing what your partner will be like. Are they drunk? Are they at home?

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A Coach on your Couch - A blog by Tony Rao

It can feel like a big ask to talk about our drinking when you have problems with it. It’s not just the travelling, but the prospect of the trust we put in that listening ear and the reaction to what we say when we finally get there. But there are other barriers. There’s the time pressure, which can feel like you’re on a conveyer belt and clock watching can make you clam up.

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